Is it just me or is there a distinct lack of good science fiction on television at the moment? Star Trek is still going in the form of Enterprise, but I want more. Much more. They must be out there and I'm looking in the wrong places, if anyone has any recommendations I'm all ears. What the fuck happened to Firefly? Which complete git had the final say on that getting canceled after one series? Why did something so good last only 14 episodes when there is is so much garbage airing- running series after series?
Maybe the Orion slave girls could get their own spin-off? I'm just putting it out there.

Maybe the Orion slave girls could get their own spin-off? I'm just putting it out there.

You only hate 'Everybody Hates Chris' because, and I quote you 'had that same idea 6 years ago, only mine had more hookers and was spelled with a K'.
On topic though, what about Battlestar Galactica? No good?
Quotes I may or may not have said aside, you're spot on with Battlestar. I have a strange relationship with that one, I watched the first two series almost back to back on DVD then lost touch. I knew it was on TV and I knew I really enjoyed it, I just didn't watch. Weird. I think I'm all about the TV marathon and one episode a week isn't enough for my craving. Now could be the time to commence online streaming? My thanks for remembering it to me good sir.
Yeah what about Battlestar galactica! Cylons shit on Browncoats!!!!! CYLONS RULE!!!!!!!! Also mate sci-fi is quite a broad sprectrum it doesnt have to have to be all aliens and spaceships. Im currently working my way through fringe and quantum leap, and theres not even a sniff of any little green men in there.
@Prestiege. Good point well made sir about the little green men, although I'm not sure what the fuss is over Fringe. I saw the first couple but didn't care for it. Do you have BSG on DVD by chance?
As with any tv programme u need have patience, fringe is like a new age x-files, but more towards science (teleportation, dark matter, bio terrorism) than aliens. And im afriad my bro has battlestar galatica my good man.
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